Conserving Water Indoors:

Are you using more water than you thought? You might be surprised. The average homeowner uses more water than he or she would imagine. Cutting water usage saves you money and protects our valuable resources: Most people are surprised at how much money they literally flush down the drain due to poor water-management practices.

If you have questions about water usage and conservation,don't feel bad. You are not alone. According to our customer surveys, the most common questions about water usage are:

  1. How can I tell how much water I am using?
  2. What can I do to conserve water?
  3. Is my water usage within reason?
  4. What's the average daily water usage and am I using more than my share?
  5. What if I have a well, doesn't that mean I don't have to worry about conserving water?

Click anywhere on this page to view tips for reducing water usage.

For more information about water conservation, contact: Tom Grimes at:

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