Chaffey College Projects

Webmaster Tools

Text: Cox, V., Wermers, L. & Reding, E. (2007). HTML 3rd edition
ISBN: 0-619-26844-1

Click any of the weeks below to view the assigned tasks.

Week One:

The Visual Workshop pg G-24
Created a membership sign-up form to the Bits and PCs Web using the figure as a reference.
Saved as usergroups

Week Two:

The Visual Workshop pg H-24
Created a page of the Bits and PCs Web site with nested frames.
Saved as bitsframe

Week Three:

Independent Challenge 2 (pg J-22)
Added JavaScript features to a form on the local water department Web site.
Created and documented a function that provides confirmation feedback to users after clicking the form's Submit button.
Added an event handler to individual items on the form to display an appropriate message in the browser status bar when a user moves the mouse pointer over each item.
Advanced Challenge Exercise: Created a JavaScript function including conditionals to verify data submitted by the Web form.
Saved as newsletter
Visual Workshop (pg J-24) Added event handlers and JavaScript functions to a form on the Bits and PCs Web site.
Saved as usergroups2

Week Four:

Independent Challenge 2 (pg HTML K-22) Used DHTML to add dynamic font features to the page that supplies water conservation tips for the Metro Water Web site.
Saved as outside
The Visual Workshop (pg HTML K-24) Added DHTML dynamic font features to a Frequently Asked Questions page on the Bits and PCs Web site following the figure example and the specifications given in the text.
Saved as questions

Week Five:

UNIT L Independent Challenge 2 Used DHTML to add a feature to a newsletter subscription form that counts the newsletters offered on the local water department Web site. Advanced Challenge Exercise: Practiced debugging DHTML code by using the alert function to check a variable value before and after a specific function call.
Saved as newsletter
UNIT M Independent Challenge 2 Added DHTML positioning features to a water conservation tips page on the local water department Web site. Used relative and absolute DHTML positioning for headings on the page, narrowed the width of one page section, and added background text to the page heading. Advanced Challenge Exercise: Used DHTML positioning to stack multiple layers of text on a Web page to create a complex heading.
Saved as inside

Week Six:

Independent Challenge 2 pg N22,23: Used advanced DHTML features to add a water conservation slide show to the local water department Web site. Used DHTML to animate an image and add a page transition animation to the page.
Saved as inside1 and included html pages tips1-4
Advanced Challenge Exercise: Used DHTML to alter the page created in the main challenge. Changed the slide show navigation to add buttons allowing users to move both forward and backward through the slide show.
Saved as inside1_button

Weeks Seven and Eight

These weeks were finals and the final project. I will post the final project once I locate it

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